
Download Ableton Max4Live Device

Based on default M4L MidiCC devices:

See Max 4 Live device library for more devices.

Midi CCs

The Expander 80 allows every parameter to be controlled by MIDI.

ParameterFunctionMIDI CCRange
01DEG VCA-A Attack120 ~ 15
02DEG VCA-A Decay130 ~ 15
03DEG VCA-A Breakpoint140 ~ 15
04DEG VCA-A Slope150 ~ 15
05DEG VCA-A Sustain160 ~ 15
06DEG VCA-A Release170 ~ 15
07DEG VCA-A Dynamics180 (Off) ~ 1 (On)
08DEG VCA-A Damper190 (Off) ~ 1 (On)
09DCO Mode201 (Whole) ~ 2 (Double)
11DEG VCA-B Attack210 ~ 15
12DEG VCA-B Decay220 ~ 15
13DEG VCA-B Breakpoint230 ~ 15
14DEG VCA-B Slope240 ~ 15
15DEG VCA-B Sustain250 ~ 15
16DEG VCA-B Release260 ~ 15
17DEG VCA-B Dynamics270 (Off) ~ 1 (On)
18DEG VCA-B Damper280 (Off) ~ 1 (On)
21Detune Interval290 ~ 61
22Detune Fine300 ~ 15
23Noise Level310 ~ 15
24Noise Destination321 (VCA) ~ 2 (VCF)
31DEG VCF Attack330 ~ 15
32DEG VCF Decay340 ~ 15
33DEG VCF Breakpoint350 ~ 15
34DEG VCF Slope360 ~ 15
35DEG VCF Sustain370 ~ 15
36DEG VCF Release380 ~ 15
37DEG VCF Dynamics390 (Off), 1 (On)
41LFO-2 Frequency400 ~ 15
42LFO-2 Final Level410 ~ 15
43LFO-2 Initial Level420 ~ 15
44LFO-2 Delay Time430 ~ 15
45LFO-2 Delay Mode441 (Manual), 2 (Auto)
46LFO-2 Waveform451 (Triangle), 2 (Square)
51LFO-1 Frequency460 ~ 15
52LFO-1 Final Level470 ~ 15
53LFO-1 Initial Level480 ~ 15
54LFO-1 Delay Time490 ~ 15
55LFO-1 Delay Mode501 (Manual), 2 (Auto)
62DCO Waveform510 (Off), 1 (Sqr), 2 (Saw)
63DCO Sawtooth Octave521 (16′), 2 (8′), 3 (4′)
64DCO Square 16′ Level530 ~ 15
65DCO Square 8′ Level540 ~ 15
66DCO Square 4′ Level550 ~ 15
67DCO Square 2′ Level560 ~ 15
71VCF Cutoff570 ~ 99
72VCF Resonance580 ~ 15
73VCF Keyboard Track590 (Off), 1 (Half), 2 (Full)
74VCF DEG Trigger Mode601 (Single), 2 (Multi)
75VCF DEG Level610 ~ 15
81Chorus620 (Off), 1 (On)
82Volume630 ~ 15

If the Expander 80 ever displays 4c at switch on, this means the
internal backup battery has gone.

Parameter 94 – not shown on the panel, this selects the Pedal
destination, 1: modulation trigger, 2:Program Up, 3: Sequencer Start/Stop
(OK – the manual does mention this)

Parameter 95 selects the sequencer playing destination, 0: Internal
Sound Engine, 1: External MIDI output

Parameter 96 turns the metronome on, 0: Off, 1: On

MIDI Controller 65 is the Manual LFO trigger control, this is a hang
over from the DK80 keyboard version, that had a trigger switch (rather
than a mod wheel). Controller 65 is usually the second pedal function
(although perhaps the standard controller CC1 would have made more sense –
never mind…..)

The Expander 80 also responds to controller 125 (Omni On), controller
124 (Omni Off) and controller 123 (All Notes Off).

The three envelopes share the same timings, the Attack and Decay times
are variable from 30mS to 6 seconds.

The two LFO’s share the same spec as well, both ranging from 0.25Hz at
it’s slowest to 10Hz fastest. The delay time variable from zero to 1.5
seconds. The LFO trigger mode is always Single (the Trigger Mode parameter
74 does not affect the LFO trigger). The LFO’s are not key synced, so free
run at all times. In case your curious, here is the LFO speed reference:

LFO Frequency SettingLFO Frequency
00.25 Hz
10.5 Hz
20.75 Hz
31.25 Hz
41.5 Hz
52 Hz
62.5 Hz
73 Hz
83.5 Hz
94 Hz
104.5 Hz
115 Hz
126 Hz
136.5 Hz
148 Hz
1510 Hz